Introduction to Microprocessors, microcontrollers and microcomputers, Study of 8085 8 bit Microprocessor, pin-out, its internal architecture, addressing modes, 8085 Microprocessor complete instruction set and timing. Arithmetic, logic, branch instructions, programming techniques- looping, counting, indexing, stacks and subroutines, code conversion, BCD Arithmetic. [T1] [No. of Hrs: 11]
Counters and time delays using programming, Software development systems and assemblers, writing complete programs for 8085. Basic interfacing concepts, interfacing memory, interfacing keyboards and output displays, memory-mapped and isolated I/O. Interrupts and their processing, 8259, Interrupt interface circuits using 8259. [T1] [No. of Hrs: 11]
General-purpose programmable peripheral devices-8255,8253 programmable interval timer,8257 DMA controller, serial I/O and data communication,RS-232C standard, Serial I/O lines, 8251A Programmable communications interface.[T1] [No. of Hrs: 11]
Introduction to 8086/8088 microprocessors, pin-out, architecture, segmented memory, timing diagrams, addressing modes, instruction set. Comparison of 8085, 8086, 8088 microprocessors [T2] [No. of Hrs: 11]