We will start with the very basics, learning HTML and the foundations of web development before moving onto CSS where we can apply styling to our web pages to make them look beautiful and elegant. Once we have learned HTML & CSS we will then build a full website from scratch called Imperial Donuts which will include a navigation bar, image grids, a header, and a footer. After that, we will learn all the fundamental concepts in JavaScript such as the primitive data types, variables, control flow, loops, if statements, DOM manipulation, etc. so that we learn how to achieve functionality in web applications.
We will also learn jQuery so that we can apply nice fade effects to webpages and create our own custom animations. After that, we will move onto PHP which is a server-side language that powers 79% of websites today. Then, we will learn how to talk to or query a database using MySQL. Once we have mastered all the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP & MySQL we will then build a CRUD application where the user can create, read, update and delete data.
When you have finished The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp 2021 you will be a talented, confident, full-stack web developer and the great news is the course will be consistently updated with new content.